Find the answers to the most frequently asked questions
Can you leave the site and re-enter?
Yes, you can, but remember that after 18:00 Late-Fee starts, also for those who have already been inside.
Who should I contact with questions?
If you can't find the answer to your question anywhere on this page or on our social media channels. Then send us an email at support.ssf@syddanskestuderende.dk or in a message on our social media channels.
I've lost something, where can I find it?
Ask at the wardrobe area and we'll see if we have it. If not, we'll have a collection day for abandoned items shortly after the party. This will be announced on this page and on our social media channels
Can I get my ticket refunded?
Did you purchase the insurance through TRYG when you bought your ticket? If yes, you will find information about a refund in your purchase confirmation. If you did not purchase insurance, unfortunately, we cannot refund your ticket.
Where can I see who is playing on the day and what time slot?
Det kan du enten ved at følge med på vores sociale medier eller ved at læse mere under ‘SSF‛ -> ‚2024 – SSF’ -> ‚Generel info‛
What is Late Fee?
Late-Fee is a 50 fee that you have to pay if you arrive later than 18:00. Late-Fee applies to everyone who wants to enter after 18:00, so it also applies if you were previously on site, left and now want to go back in.
Can I get a ticket even if it's sold out?
Sold out means sold out, but you can volunteer and get a free ticket to help us make SSF2024 the best party ever! Volunteer by reading more under the 'Volunteer' tab on the front page
How do I get tickets?
You can do this by keeping an eye on our social media and here on the website to see when we'll be in the hallways with wristbands so you can get it on before the big day. If you can't come and pick up your wristband early, you can of course always get it at the entrance on the day.
Are there vegan/vegetarian options?
Yes, you bet! Read more about all our food locations on the Facebook event.
Is it disability-friendly?
We have both ramps and disabled toilets, as well as the possibility of a free companion ticket if you send us an email. Anyone with a valid companion card can get a free companion ticket! If you have specific questions about accessibility, send us a message on our social media or an email at support.ssf@syddanskestuderende.dk
Can I bring food / drinks with me?
No, that's where we earn our income, so we'd love for you to buy a beer or two from us so we can keep ticket prices low and throw a party again next year.
I bought a ticket but volunteered, can I get my ticket refunded?
Yes, of course! Thank you so much for helping out. Send us an email at hr.ssf@syddanskestuderende.dk and we'll figure it out together.
Where can I volunteer?
By taking a look at our social media - you can read much more about it there
I have lost my wardrobe ticket, what should I do?
1. You remembered to take a photo with your ticket and can show this instead.
2. Unfortunately, you'll have to wait until we hand out forgotten items, we'll announce the time for this shortly after the party - both here on the site and on our social media
What food and drinks can you buy on site?
You can read much more about it on the Facebook event.
When does the site open and close?
The site is open Friday 16-01 and Saturday 15-01
Will there be a wardrobe?
Absolutely! It costs DKK 25 for each jacket or bag, but remember: We'll take a 5 for every time you have to look for something in it, and return it again.
Can I bring a friend?
Go for it! Bring 2 friends to #SSF2024 by either buying tickets together or separately if you all attend SDU. Only a maximum of 3 tickets can be purchased by each student. If your friend is unlucky enough not to go to SDU, you can be the best friend in the world by buying a +1 ticket for them. There are only 2 '+1' tickets for every SDU student who buys a ticket.
Can I pay with cash?
Unfortunately, no. SSF2024 is a cashless party like previous years, but of course we take cards!
I don't go to SDU but would like to join
If you're not lucky enough to have a friend who goes to SDU who will buy you a +1 ticket, you can volunteer! Volunteers don't necessarily have to go to SDU, but will still get tickets to the party. See more under the 'Volunteer' tab on our front page
Contact us
We are of course ready to answer all your questions about the party, so if you don't find an answer here - contact us on our email support.ssf@syddanskestuderende.dk
Or on our social media: