Who are we?
Syddanske Studerende was founded back in 2008,
When a group of students felt that there was a lack of a student council that united students across faculties and that could carry the students' voice in decision-making boards and councils at the university. Syddanske Studerende is your Student Council at the University of Southern Denmark.
SDS has a formal organizational structure with a board consisting of 8 board members (including one chairman and vice-chairmen) and up to two substitutes. We are an organization that works with student politics to improve conditions for all students - both academically and socially.
Then there is our executive committee, which consists of the chairmanship and those responsible for each respective areas. Then there are all our committees and sub-committees, large and small, but all of vital importance to the association and our work.
Student Influence
SDS is the largest student organization at the University of Southern Denmark, where, through collaboration with students and student associations at all faculties, we are elected to SDU's board, the university council and the five academic councils at the University of Southern Denmark.
We are proud of our collaboration with large and small organizations at SDU, and we work to ensure that the University of Southern Denmark has the best study environment in Denmark. We listen to the students and collaborate closely with the National Union of Students in Denmark (DSF). Through its committees and events, SDS is in daily contact with students, and we listen to their opinions and views.
We also have a good collaboration with the university management at the University of Southern Denmark, where we act as the students' voice. We strive to represent students at the University of Southern Denmark to politicians and local actors to ensure the students' opportunities are broad and excellent.
Want more info?
As a student, you are always welcome to contact us if you want to hear more about how you can make a difference for your university.