Regler & sikkerhed

Safety and rules of conduct


  • Only persons over 18 years of age with a valid wristband/ticket for Semesterstartsfesten 2024.

Calm and order:

  • Everyone must follow the instructions of the security staff and other staff on site.
  • Behavior such as stagediving, moshing and crowdsurfing are not allowed. 


Breaking rules results in expulsion and cutting off of your wristband.

The following may not be brought along!

- Weapons or weapon-like objects

- Bicycles (refer to the bicycle parking areas)

- Chairs, camping chairs, tents or pavilions

- Umbrellas and flags

- Banners or banner poles

- Fireworks, pyrotechnics or laser pens

- Professional camera or video equipment

- Packed lunches and your own drinks

- Larger bags such as sports bags, suitcases or similar