Study job
Here you can read more about and apply for a part-time student job at Syddanske Studerende.
Looking for a student job?
Syddanske Studerende is a volunteer-based non-profit organization. However, we do have some positions that are essential to the daily functioning of the organization that are part-time, flexible and very friendly to your studies. If you are interested in a position with Syddanske Studerende, you are welcome to apply or contact us.
Types of Study jobs
At Syddanske Studerende we have part-time positions that we continuously adjust. An example of some of the part-time positions in SDS are:
- Organization coordinator
- Communication Manager
- Event coordinator
- Possible project management

Benefits of student jobs with us
Work very flexibly, either on campus at our offices or at home.
A broad connection that spans across SDU
Be included in our community and participate in our events, big and small
Gain valuable experience that you can take with you from your time at SDU.
Apply now
We are always looking for candidates who are interested in applying for a position at Syddanske Studerende. You are welcome to apply and we would love to have a friendly chat with you about the opportunities at SDS