
What is the election at SDU?

Every year, the university holds elections for the various collegial bodies. As a student, you have the opportunity to influence the conditions around you that affect students' daily lives

The collegial bodies

At SDU, you have the opportunity to get involved in the collegial bodies, each of which contributes to ensuring the university's development, quality and student involvement in the university's work on various fronts.

Your faculty, department and study program has a number of bodies that you can run for and vote for during elections to ensure that you and your fellow students have a voice. You can read more about the elections on SDU's website: https://mitsdu.dk/en/valg

Run through SDS

Through Syddanske Studerende you can run for the aforementioned boards and councils and make a mark on your time here at the University of Southern Denmark.


Through our wide network, we are able to get a lot of volunteer help and find like-minded people for the election.


We know what it takes to run a successful election campaign and we would love to share our experience and knowledge with you.


Through the election and beyond, you will be able to join our organization and become part of our community with events and lots of activities.

Learn more

Please contact us if this sounds like something for you. We help with election material and experience through our network and through our student political partners such as the National Union of Students in Denmark (DSF)