
Our statutes

Table of contents

§ 1. Name

Par. 1
The name of the organization is “Syddanske Studerende”, abbreviated “SDS”.

Par. 2
The organization is also known as “Studenterrådet ved Syddansk Universitet”, “Syddansk Universitets Studenterråd” and “Studenterrepræsentationen Syddansk Universitet”

§ 2. Purpose

Par. 1
The purpose of the organization is to actively represent students at the University of Southern Denmark and look after their interests locally as well as nationally and work to strengthen the study environment at the university. Syddanske Studerende is an interest organization and a student council for all students at the University of Southern Denmark and therefore has no ideological or party political affiliation.

Par. 2
The purpose of the organization is to create the best possible framework for all students through academic, social, and student political activities. This is done by actively participating in the political debate within local, national, and international areas, and by developing student politics and study environments at SDU.

Par. 3
Syddanske Studerende also represents student-run organizations and study councils based at the University of Southern Denmark, whose purpose and activities are not party political or otherwise in conflict with Syddanske Studerende's mission statement(s).

Par. 4
Syddanske Studerende is part of the national student movement as a member organization under the National Union of Students in Denmark (DSF).

§ 3. Conditions of membership

Par. 1
Membership can be obtained by all enrolled students at the University of Southern Denmark, and membership ceases upon withdrawal from the University of Southern Denmark.

Par. 2
Requests for active individual membership must be communicated to the Chairperson at his/her primary email or through similar registration solutions set up by the board.

Par. 3

The chairmanship, elected board members, executive committee, event organizers and club and committee leaders are automatically active members of the organization.

Par. 4
Organizations with their residence and primary work area at the University of Southern Denmark can be admitted as a member organization of Syddanske Studerende.

Par. 5
The board has the authority to exclude a member at any time by a majority vote in accordance with § 9 par. 5. The exclusion process is described in the organization's code of conduct. Excluded members have the right to present their case at the next general meeting and have their exclusion from the organization reconsidered. Requests for reconsideration of a case at the general meeting must be submitted in the same way as other incoming proposals.

§ 4. Rights and obligations

Par. 1
All students at the University of Southern Denmark have the right to speak and vote at the general meeting and are eligible for election in the organizaiton. These conditions do not apply to excluded members, who only have the opportunity to speak on their case and have their exclusion from the organization reconsidered at a subsequent general meeting.

Par. 2
Member organizations have the right to appoint one (1) Organization representative to speak on behalf of their respective organization.

Par. 3
Members have no obligations in relation to the organization's activities.

§ 5. The general assembly

Par. 1
The supreme authority of the organization is the general assembly. Between general assemblies, the board is the supreme authority, with regards to § 10.

Par. 2
The annual general assembly is held once (1) a year in the first quarter. The general meeting is convened with a minimum of one (1) month's notice by sending written orientation to the organization's active members, member organizations and via the organization's primary external communication channels. All students at SDU can participate in the general assembly.

Par. 3
Any otherwise valid general assembly, with regards to §6, par. 2, is quorate regardless of the number of attendees.

Par. 4
Attending members have one (1) personal vote. The board reserves the right to set up online voting solutions for members who are unable to attend the general assembly.

Par. 5
Amendments to the statutes enter into force by resolution at the general assembly, unless indicated otherwise by the resolution.

Par. 6
Voting is conducted via simple majority, while amendments to the statutes require a 2/3's majority of those present.

Par. 7
The agenda for the annual general assembly must as a minimum contain the following items:

1. Election of moderator

2. Election of rapporteur

3. Approval of correctly convened general assembly

4. Chairman's report for approval

5. Approval of the audited accounting.

6. Approval of the budget

7. Processing of proposals received

8. Election of chairman, board and substitutes

9. Election of critical auditor

10. Any other business

Par. 8
If the general meeting does not approve the chairman's report, accounts and/or budget, an extraordinary general assembly must be convened, where the board will present the items that require approval.

§ 6. Deadlines and requirements

Par. 1
Proposals to be considered at the general assembly must be received by the board at least 7 days before the general assembly.

Par. 2
Notice of candidacy for the position of chairman must be received by the board in writing at least 7 days before the general meeting.

Par. 3
All students at the University of Southern Denmark can run for chairmanship, board, or as a substitute for the board. These conditions do not apply to excluded members, who only have the opportunity to speak on their case and have their exclusion from the organization reconsidered at a subsequent general assembly.

§ 7. Election of the general assembly

Par. 1
The general meeting elects the board in the form described in §9, par. 3.

Par. 2
The general assembly also elects two substitutes to the board.

Par. 3
If it is not possible to fill all positions due to a lack of candidates, the general assembly may, by ordinary majority vote, authorize the board to find members for the positions that have not been filled.

§ 8. Extraordinary general assembly

Par. 1
An extraordinary general assembly shall be held when the chairmanship or a majority of the board deems it necessary or when 1/3 of the organization's active individual members request the board in writing.

Par. 2
Extraordinary general assemblies are convened with 8 days' notice by sending written orientation to the organization's active members and via the organization's primary external communication channels.

Par. 3
Proposals to be considered at an extraordinary general assembly must be received by the board at least three days before the general assembly.

§ 9. The board

Par. 1
The board is responsible for the organization's function between general assemblies.

Par. 2
The board year runs from the inaugural board meeting to the next board period's inaugural board meeting.

Par. 3
The board consists of up to 10 people, of which 8 are elected at the general meeting: 1 chairman and 7 board members. Elected student representatives on the university board, who are elected through Syddanske Studerende, are also members of the board. The board constitutes itself with at least 1 vice chairman and 1 treasurer among the elected board members.

Par. 4
Substitutes to the board may participate in board meetings on an equal footing with the rest of the board. The board decides who, in addition to the elected board members and substitutes, can participate in board meetings. They have the right to speak but not to vote.

Par. 5
The board adopts decisions by a simple majority of votes. In the event of a tie, the chairman has the casting vote.

Par. 6
The chairmanship consists of the chairman, the vice-chairma(e)n, and the rreasurer. The chairmanship represents the board in the daily management of the organization, and the chairmanship is equivalent to the role of general manager.

Par. 7
The executive committee is appointed by the board and is responsible for the daily management of the organization.

Par. 8
The board determines its own rules of procedure. The rules of procedure shall as a minimum include: meeting times and meeting agendas.

§ 10. Organizational committees and -clubs

Par. 1
The organization may establish, organize and operate committees and clubs as needed, working either independently or under the quorum of the board.

Par. 2

Committees and clubs may be established by submitting a purpose/vision paper describing the scope and purpose of the committee or club and by a simple majority vote of the board.

Par. 4

A committee or club can be dissolved by a 2/3's majority vote of the board or a simple majority vote at the general meeting.

§ 11. Safety declaration

Par. 1

All members of Syddanske Studerende, regardless of function, must have the opportunity to contact a Trustee. This can be done by contacting a Trustee or anonymously by delivering a written letter in the organization's mailbox, where the Trustee is noted on the envelope.

Par. 2

If the sender wants the letter back, the person must have it and can have it destroyed at any time.

Par. 3

All members of Syddanske Studerende have the right and opportunity to receive support from Trustee(s). A more detailed description of the function, structure and procedure of the Trustees is described in the organization's code of conduct.

Par. 4

The organization is obliged to always have a minimum of 2 Trustees of differing genders available for all members of the organization. If one of the persons steps down, the organization has up to 14 days to fill the missing position.

Par. 5

When lending the organization's offices to partners or member organizations, it is the institution's own guidelines that apply. However, as a partner or member organization, you are obliged to follow the organization's prevailing rules for the use of premises and facilities, and presence in the organization.

§ 12. Economy

Par. 1
The financial year follows the calendar year from January 1 to December 31.

Par. 2
The board handles the financial dispositions within the budget approved by the general assembly.

Par. 3
The accounts are prepared by an external auditor and presented for approval at the general assembly.

Par. 4
The chairman has a duty to present a true and fair view of the organization's finances at board meetings.

§ 13. Binding provisions and economy

Par. 1
The organization is bound by the chairman and the treasurer jointly or, in the absence of one of them, by the chairman or the treasurer jointly with a vice-chairman.

Par. 2
The chairman and treasurer may jointly authorize the executive committee and board members to have access to payment cards for the organization's bank accounts.

Par. 3
The chairman and treasurer may jointly approve that the executive committee, board members, organizers, committee and club members may have access or viewing access to the organization's bank accounts.

§ 14. Economy and liability

Par. 1
The organization is liable for its obligations solely with its assets. Members are not personally liable for the organization's obligations and cannot claim any part of the organization's assets or dividends.

Par. 2
The organization's funds may only be used to fulfill the purpose paragraphs.

Par. 3
The organizaiton's assets must be placed in a recognized financial institution.

Par. 4
The organization is obligated to obtain a comprehensive board insurance that meets the guidelines set out in §14 (Par 1-3).

§ 15. Establishment and dissolution of the organization

Par. 1
The organization may be dissolved by a 2/3's majority at two consecutive general assemblies, of which at least one (1) must be an ordinary general assembly.

The University of Southern Denmark and the National Union of Students in Denmark (DSF) will be informed of the result of the vote immediately afterwards.

Par. 2
Any remaining funds in the organization are allocated to purposes that benefit the students at the University of Southern Denmark.

Par. 3
Syddanske Studerende was founded on February 18, 2008.

§ 1. Name

Stk. 1
Foreningens navn er “Syddanske Studerende”, forkortes “SDS”.

. Stk. 2
Foreningen kendes også under “Studenterrådet ved Syddansk Universitet” og “Studenterrepræsentationen Syddansk Universitet”


§ 2. Purpose

Stk. 1
Foreningens formål er aktivt at repræsentere studerende ved Syddansk Universitet og varetage deres interesser lokalt såvel som nationalt samt arbejde for at styrke studiemiljøet på universitetet. Syddanske Studerende er en interesseorganisation og et studenterråd for alle studerende ved Syddansk Universitet og har derfor ikke ideologisk eller partipolitisk tilknytning.

Stk. 2
Foreningens formål er at skabe de bedst mulige rammer for alle studerende gennem faglige, sociale, og studenterpolitiske aktiviteter. Det gøres bl.a. ved at deltage aktivt i den politiske debat inden for lokale, nationale, og internationale områder, og ved at udvikle studenterpolitik og studiemiljøer på SDU.

Stk. 3
Syddanske Studerende repræsenterer tillige studenterdrevne foreninger og fagråd med hjemstavn på Syddansk Universitet, og hvis formål og virke ikke er partipolitisk eller på anden måde i konflikt med Syddanske Studerendes formålsparagraf(er).

Stk. 4
Syddanske Studerende er en del af den nationale studenterbevægelse som medlemsorganisation under Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF).